

Sarah came into see the Petra Team to discuss remodelling some inherited jewellery into pieces that she could wear day to day.


Together with her friend and our designer Beth, we decided to make a contemporary ring and a solid gold charm for Sarah’s pandora bracelet.

Beth and Sarah got to work designing the ring. Sarah’s ring was to be made using a family wedding ring and diamonds from an eternity ring. Between the two of them Beth and Sarah decided they it would be nice to incorporate another silver ring that Sarah had, which had a great sentiment to Sarah.


Our master goldsmith Behzad got to work by melting down Sarah’s gold and silver to create two bars, which were to be used to form the solid gold band and the silver detailing that was to go around Sabra’s ring. Once Behzad had created the gold band he then created a silver wave that would weave its way around the ring.


Once Behzad had created the silver ‘wave’ around the ring, he began to flush set Sarah’s diamonds into the band to give the ring added sparkle.

It was safe to day when Sarah collected she was left utterly speechless with all of her new pieces of jewellery.

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Sarah was an absolute joy to work with and I really enjoyed helping to create and design these beautiful pieces of jewellery.
— Beth Jewellery Desinger

If we’ve inspired you and you would like to discuss having something made yourself, please get in touch with us using the button below or you contact us through Facebook messenger!

Or, if you still need a bit more inspiration, you can see this ring and many other gorgeous designs in our bespoke collection here: