

Sydney came to see us with a gorgeous ‘feline inspired’ idea for an engagement ring for her long term girlfriend Faye.

They both have a love for their cats, and Sydney really wanted a high end engagement ring that emphasised this bond between them.

After an initial appointment with our designer Natalie, they worked together to come up with the perfect design.


After Sydney was happy with the design, we had a computer generated image made up for her so that we could easily alter the size of the centre stone to find the perfect fit.

After a few tweaks, Sydney was happy with the design and it was time to choose the perfect centre stone.

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She knew that she wanted an Emerald, so Natalie got to work ordering some beautiful emeralds to fit the budget.

We had several different stone viewings, as each time with a bit of education, Sydney changed her mind slightly on the look that she was after. It is so important to get the centre stone absolutely perfect and find one that you fall in love with.

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On the third viewing - Sydney had found the perfect emerald.

She chose a very high quality bright emerald with very few visible inclusions throughout.


Then it was time to get to work making this beautiful ring.

It was made in platinum with high end diamonds set into the shoulders, making this fun design also a very high end piece of jewellery.


The finished ring is exactly what Sydney hoped it would be, but as it turns out, Faye had had the exact same idea as Sydney.

On a birthday getaway, Sydney opened a Scrabble box to play a friendly game, only to find the words ‘Will you marry me?’ already laid out on the board!

The whole time, Faye had been having a bespoke ring made for Sydney as well!

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A huge congratulations to the happy couple!


If we’ve inspired you and you would like to discuss having something made yourself, please get in touch with us using the button below or you can contact us through Facebook messenger!

Or, if you still need a bit more inspiration, you can see this ring and many other gorgeous designs in our bespoke collection here: