

Kelsey booked an afternoon tea experience with us as she had recently got engaged!

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She came in with her fiancé and mum to discuss her ideas and come up with a design that was bespoke to her.

After an initial discussion where our designer Natalie learned that Kelsey knew that she wanted rose gold, a peach coloured stone, and something really unique, Natalie left them to enjoy their afternoon tea whilst she came up with a design.


After a few alterations, the three of them was happy with the design.


Natalie then went away to order in some stones that were a peach colour.

She also had a computer aided design done of the ring so that Kelsey could visualise the completed piece a little bit better.

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During their second appointment, the three of them came back in to choose between the three stones Natalie had sourced from our Gemstone dealer Keith.

There was a pink tourmaline, a morganite and a stunning peach sapphire. After a lot of trying on white-tac rings, Kelsey chose the peach sapphire.


We then got to work 3-D printing the ring, setting in the beautiful stones, hallmarking and finishing it.

I think that you will agree that the finished piece is incredible!


If we’ve inspired you and you would like to discuss having something made yourself, please get in touch with us using the button below or you can contact us through Facebook messenger!

Or, if you still need a bit more inspiration, you can see this ring and many other gorgeous designs in our bespoke collection here: